Thursday 29 June 2017

What is Coffee Enema

Video of What's Coffee Enema

Homemade Hippocrates Soup

This delicious highly nutritious soup designed for the cleansing and nourishing of kidneys.

When juice fasting/feasting, something hot and savory is warm to the stomach. This special vegetable soup is highly nutritious and very healing. This soup is always served as a starter soup when doing Gerson Therapy (for cancer patients)  It helps cleanse the kidneys, repair damaged cells and nourish them back to health.

In fact, a small amount of cooked foods (or soups in this case) is necessary when consuming a raw diet. It provides soft fiber/bulk which helps with the digestion of the raw foods/juices. It also “softens the raw-ness” in the stomach, helping to ease the digestive system for better absorption of the huge amount of raw diet.
Wash and scrub the vegetables well with a vegetable brush.
To preserve as much of the nutrients as possible, use a slow cooker if you have, or small fire over the stove. Cook this recipe in slow and low heat until cooked (about 2 hours). Fast and high heat cooking causes the cells to break and disrupt the colloidal composition, making it less bioavailable. Minerals and phytonutrients don’t get destroyed in heat and will leach into the soup

This portion serves four. If not on Gerson Therapy, you may substitute these ingredients with anything that you like.

Fill a stainless steel pot with the following cubed vegetables:
  • 1 medium celery root/celeriac – remove skin
  • If not available, substitute with 3-4 ribs celery
  • 1 medium parsley root, if available
  • Small amount of parsley stalks and leaves – add these about 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking
  • 2 small or one large leek
  • 2 medium onions
  • Few cloves of garlic or to taste
  • 1-1.5 pounds of tomatoes (or more if desired)
  • 1 pound potatoes with brushed skin
  • Sea salt to taste (cancer patients to skip salt)

Method Of Cooking:

  1. Fill pure drinking water in the pot just enough to cover all the vegetables.
  2. Bring to a boil; then, set to low fire whether you’re using a slow cooker or cooking over a stove. Cover pot to keep the steam in. Simmer for about 2 hours or until vegetables turn soft.
  3. Once cooked, run the cooked vegetables through a food mill/processor Alpha Juicer DA900. This works well for this function, using the “mincing” screen. Otherwise, use a blender and blend till you get a smooth consistency. Do this while the soup is warm, NOT when it’s hot or cold.
  4. You may include the garlic in cooking, or squeeze in the garlic after all these steps if you prefer.
  5. Serve warm.
  6. Let the soup cool before storing. Keep in air-tight container in the refrigerator and consume in no more than 48 hours. To reheat, simmer over stove, do not use microwave oven.

Monday 18 November 2013

Rebounder - More than a Prized Possession

Rebound Your Way to Health

Giving your lymphatic valves a workout with your personal trampoline is one of the best way to a cleaner, healthier lymphatic system. If you are not exercising in any form, 

A few minutes a day will expel poisons by jostling the lymph nodes and squeezing the toxins out. So, if you don't do any form of exercise, you should get your hands on a rebounder, like the recommended one below.

Rebounding is not just for the little ones.
It is a cleaning aid for your lymphatics.
It may be one of your prized possessions.
Start rebounding to see the results.

 Your Lymphatic System is a Vital System of the Body
The lymphatic system clears toxins, wastes, excess fluids, and infection from all tissues of the body through proper flow and drainage. It is also connected to every organ of the body. It is the garbage collector, the internal vacuum cleaner sucking up metabolic garbage, toxins and excess fluid from the extracellular fluid of every organ. If this flow is impaired, the fluid becomes thick and toxic. The parts of the body that rely on it for elimination become less efficient and sluggish as they fill with their own waste. 
This otherwise life sustaining system now becomes a breeding ground for infection. When the fluid enters the bloodstream, as is part of the normal process, infection can now spread to any organ or part of the body. Many viruses, bacteria and parasites stay locked within the lymphatic system when these conditions are present. So, as this process occurs and elimination is blocked, the body then becomes toxic. When the toxins cannot be removed due to congestion or blockages, the degenerative disease process begins.

Lymph System Goes Unnoticed

Many people have badly congested lymphatics and don’t even know it.  Some of the organs that are part of the lymphatic system are lymph nodes and lymph veins, the tonsils, adenoids, appendix and the spleen. Swollen glands, with which most of us are familiar, are symptomatic of blocked lymph nodes, which indicate a breakdown in the mechanical functioning of the lymphatic system. 

It Needs Our Help

Unlike the heart which pumps blood throughout your body, the lymphatic system does not have a pump to help in the circulation, so it has to rely upon some other activity to create the necessary pumping action it needs to circulate. The three most important methods of lymphatic circulation are external massage, muscle activity, and vigorous exercise. So, if you are not getting any of these,  you would need to be pro-active in the cleansing of this system through this effective technique to detox. Make this a regular part of your routine.

Without a doubt your lymph nodes are one of the most important stations of defense in your body.
The rebounder will help to Detox, Cleanse and Nourish.

How to Get Started

The mini-trampoline and safety

Everyone should start with the gentle "health bounce"  which means your feet remain IN CONTACT with the mat while the body moves up and down. The health bounce is sufficient to obtain all the benefits of rebounding while gently strengthening the entire body. It is recommended that you do your rebounding with bare feet or non-slip socks so you do not slip.
Adults can start with 5 minutes of rebounding and increase their time as their fitness level improves. Seniors can start with 2 minutes several times per day, with at least 30 minutes between rebounding sessions. It's necessary for older people to start gradually in order to give the connective tissue holding the internal organs in place time to strengthen. This prevents the possibility of "prolapsed organs" - the only contraindication to rebounding reported in the medical literature. Therefore increase your rebounding time gradually.
Inactive seniors find that gently jumping on a mini-trampoline gives them renewed vigor and zest for life. Hyperactive children are reported to calm down after a few days of rebounding. Rebounding is for everyone and people can use the rebound mini-trampoline whenever they have a few minutes during the day.
To encourage optimum lymphatic circulation, it is important to pulse gently at the beginning of all sessions, and equally as important to slow down and pulse at the end of your sessions.

Why it Works

The main lymph vessels run up the legs, up the arms and up the torso. This is why the vertical up and down movement of rebounding is so effective to pump the lymph.
The lymph fluid moves through these channels called "vessels" that are filled with one way valves, so the lymph always moves in the same direction – usually upward away from gravity.
Anything that can stimulate the movement of lymph fluid inside the lymph vessels of the system is healthy, but the most efficient way to stimulate the flow of lymph fluid is by rebounding. The up and down rhythmic bouncing causes all of the one-way valves to open and close simultaneously increasing lymph flow as much as fifteen times! That's powerful!

What To Expect

When you first start out with your rebounding exercise sessions you ENTER A PHASE OF literally rebounding your body back into balance. Toxic residues will be released, manifesting completely different symptoms for everyone.
Expect emotional and psychological reactions to surface as the physical debris shifts. People often comment that when they begin rebounding on a mini trampoline they experience tingling skin.
This is often a sign that blockages in fluid and energy are moving, electrical switches are being turned back on and cleansing is taking place.
Initially you may feel worse while you are getting better.

A Deeper Explanation

With rebounding exercise, an upward bounce against the downward pull of gravity closes millions of the one-way valves that regulate the flow of fluid.
Moving down again releases pressure in these valves.
The increased G-Force, experienced when you land and depress the rebounder mat encourages a healthy surge of fluid throughout your whole body.
As the pressure in your tissues changes, the flow of lymph is shunted on.
Your body thrives on the change in speed and direction with rebounding exercise that occurs twice with each jump
To create an increase in pressure, to stimulate circulation and move the lymph forward you depend on
  • Changes in gravitational pull, Muscular contractions
  • Respiratory pressure, with deep, full, breathing
  • Changes in atmospheric pressure
  • Activation of calf, thigh and abdominal muscles
With rebounding exercise on a mini trampoline, you are using the forces of gravity, acceleration and deceleration to strengthen every cell in your body, without the trauma and the stress impact to your muscles, tissues and joints that of other types of exercise can cause.
  • There are over 300 lymph nodes in your neck, head and throat area - more than anywhere else in your body.
  • The function of these lymph nodes is mainly to drain toxins from your brain. If blockages in your lymph become stagnant, toxins are not able to drain efficiently.
Your liver is loaded with lymphatic vessels, which transport fats and proteins as well as carting off wastes. With rebounding exercise on a rebounder you immediately activate the major elimination organs of the LUNGS, KIDNEYS, LIVER and SKIN.

Two types of Toxins influence your Health

  1. ENDO-TOXINS are released from within your body from cellular metabolism
  2. EXO-TOXINS are absorbed into your body from the outside world, food and fluids, drugs, breath, and pollution
You have more lymph vessels than blood in your body, although they flow in one direction only, from the smallest capillaries to the largest ducts.
Blood and lymph are interlaced throughout your body, merging to help each other, often running parallel routes, until they blend again, when lymph is tipped back into your bloodstream, via the large subclavian veins, behind your collarbone.

  • The more you pump blood and lymph around the liver, which is loaded with lymphatic vessels, the better it will operate.
  • Rebounding exercises on a mini trampoline stimulate lymphatic circulation in the liver to transport fats and proteins, as well as carting off numerous wastes.
  • Rebounding offers a natural laxative, decongesting your bowel, and stimulating the processes of digestion
  • Muscular reflexes are stimulated when exercising on a mini trampoline, which strengthen the muscles of your alimentary tract and the movement of your colon
Rebounding speeds transit time of your food and regulate bowel motions
When rebounding, several conditions are activated simultaneously to provide a pump for your entire lymphatic system.
You depend on an increase in pressure below the valves of the lymphatic vessels, to open the leaf and shunt lymph forward.
Your liver has hundreds of duties to carry out - among them the breaking down and distribution of toxins.
If it becomes overwhelmed, which is the case for many in the toxic hotpot that has become our world, it simply stops dealing with all the toxins that come its way.
Toxins are mainly broken down and distributed for disposal by your skin, bowels, kidneys, lungs and liver.
Your liver swings into overload if it gets bombarded, and liver cells themselves begin to die off, adding to the toxic load.
Your Whole Body Benefits With Daily rebounding exercise!
Lymph naturally flows very slowly, with about 4 fluid ounces moving every hour.
When you are inactive between one-fifth and two-fifth of a teaspoon of fluid is drained each minute, as opposed to up to four teaspoons when you are rebounding.
Along lymph pathways, beadlike nodes are found, which vary in size, from a pinpoint to a cherry. They act as deprogramming stations for your cancerous cells, prevent viruses from invading further, and filter debris from your circulation.
Fat, for the most part, isn't initially transported to your bloodstream, but absorbed through the intestinal wall into lymphatic vessels known as lacteals.
Fat is picked up in the form of droplets, or as free fatty acids and glycerols, to be transported through your lymphatics before entering your bloodstream.
Rebounding exercise on Mini trampoline rebounders offers a Great Way to Recharge your Metabolism and to Boost all Body Systems
Your METABOLISM consists of all chemical processes that take place in your body, including the building up of new tissues and the breaking down and disposal of old ones.
Metabolism is a continuous process whereby every chemical change either uses or releases energy.
So what are you waiting for?
Ask how a rebounder can be sent to your place.

Friday 25 October 2013

DIY Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Symptoms of Gallstones
Low appetite Food Cravings Digestive disorders
onstipation Clay colored stool Diarrhea Hernia  Flatulence Hemorrhoids Pain on right side Breathing difficulty
Liver cirrhosis 
Hepatitis Infections High cholesterol Pancreatitis
Heart disease Duodenal Ulcers
  Nausea Vomiting Angry personality Depression
Impotence Prostate problems 
Urinary problems Hormone Imbalance Menopause issues Vision problems  Skin disorders Liver spots Dizziness/Fainting Loss of muscle Excessive weight Shoulder/back pain  Dark color under eyes Poor complexion
oated tongue Scoliosis Gout Frozen shoulder Stiff neck Asthma Headache/Migraine Tooth/gum problems  Yellow eyes/skin Sciatica Numbness in legs Joint problems  Knee problems Osteoporosis Obesity Chronic fatigue Kidney disease Cancer MS/Fibromyalgia Alzheimer’s Cold extremities Insomnia Greasy hair, hair loss Nightmares  Stiff joints Stiff muscles Hot/cold flashes
Almost everything is related to gallstones.
Get yours removed and do a
DIY Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Monday 21 October 2013

Free Radical and Radiation Protection while Flying Especially for Air Stewardess

Supplemental Antioxidants

Astaxanthin is the most powerful antioxidant of which we know. Dr. Mercola sings its praises when it comes to providing  free radical and radiation protection while flying (pilots, air stewardesses/stewards, frequent flyers)
  • When it comes to free radical scavenging, it is 64 times more powerful than vitamin C and 14 times more powerful than vitamin E.
  • It is a UVB absorber and can therefore reduce the DNA damage by flight radiation.
  • It is a natural anti-inflammatory agent
  • It acts like a natural internal sunscreen and reduces your susceptibility to sunburn
How to deal with free radicals can determine the longevity as well as the quality of our lives. Making small change like adding daily supplementation is the sure way to getting enough antioxidants to combat free radical damage.

Antioxidants are best taken with a variety of other antioxidants, found in an assortment of fruits and vegetables, for better synergistic benefits.

To get the best protection and defence for your body, do the following:
  1. Eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, ideally as a raw salad or as juices.
  2. Take food supplements like Super Green Food ++ or Spirulina
  3. Take sufficient Omega 3essential fatty acids
  4. Include the antioxidant Astaxanthin, mangosteen extract, pine bark extract,  grape seed extract,  lycopene, green tea extract, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and CoQ10 into your everyday life.
  5. Do Coffee Enemas regularly
  6. Go through Datin Dr Lynn Tan's Detoxification and Rejuvenation Programme DRP once or twice a year to flush out free radicals and other toxins to restore a nutritional balance and strengthen your immunity.